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IHCA Terminating Mobile App

By April 13, 2023General, IHCA

With a heavy heart, Issaquah Highlands Community Association (IHCA) has made the decision to terminate the IHCA mobile application effective Friday, April 21.

The app developer and host we use was recently acquired by a separate company and after extensive deliberation and research, it was decided that the increased pricing does not align with IHCA’s policies in providing a mobile application for our community.

All Apple and Android publishing of the IHCA mobile app will cease effective April 24, 2023. Users’ information provided at registration will be deleted. The decision to terminate the IHCA mobile app was not taken lightly as we consider it a valuable communication tool for the IHCA and owners. I am actively working to acquire new HOA software that meets the community’s needs, which will provide a new community app in the future.

We want to thank you all for your support with the IHCA app thus far, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have created the app for residents to use.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the IHCA office directly at 425-427-9257 or email myself at

Sarah Hoey is the executive director of the IHCA.