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We Heard You! A Recap of the Highlands Council 2021 Community Survey

By April 13, 2021February 17th, 2022Connections, Highlands Council

Highlands Council’s mission includes providing all stakeholders a voice in community matters. Each January we ask you to Share Your Voice in a community-wide survey. We were particularly interested in how you prefer to receive your community news, and what types of community programming feel comfortable to you and your family as we remain under pandemic-related restrictions for gathering. This year, 418 individuals responded to our community-wide survey, up 50% over last year’s participation. We heard you on a variety of topics. Here’s what we learned…

Highlands Council 2021 Survey Recap InfographicTop Community Concerns

Aside from COVID-19, we asked you to select your top three community concerns. The top two responses were neighborhood crime/safety and traffic/pedestrian safety, with emergency preparedness and land development closely tied for third. This feedback has been shared with the Issaquah Highlands Community Association (IHCA), the mayor of Issaquah, the Issaquah police chief, and Eastside Fire and Rescue.

We hope to help address your concerns in our official community media this year. We recently launched a video interview series called “Five Questions,” where Highlands Council interviews community and business leaders on important topics to our community. For upcoming video interviews, subscribe to our weekly e-news or follow our official social media, or click here for all past interviews.

Where You Need More Information

We asked what you wish you better understood about Issaquah Highlands. Your response: plans for community improvements and land yet-to-be developed.

The IHCA has exciting improvements planned for our community-owned parks and enhancements for pedestrian safety. The IHCA is taking a more active role in managing our community gardens this year as well. Take the IHCA annual survey in April and give your feedback on park improvements and more.

Highlands Council follows local land development by staying in contact with landowners, city planners, and the IHCA. The October issue of Connections will feature a complete development update. Breaking land development news is shared on our blog, on official social media, and on the “Development in Issaquah Highlands” webpage.

Community News and Media

We were surprised to learn that, of those surveyed, 45% of survey participants get their general news from social media, primarily from Facebook, while only 15% source newspapers. However, when asked specifically about where you read community news, 53% of participants said print Connections, followed by 40% from Facebook.

Because Connections is only printed seasonally in 2021, we encourage you to find community news at, in the weekly e-news, and across official social media. Visit to subscribe and follow official community media so you won’t miss important community news and updates between Connections issues this year. (Upcoming Connections issues are July (Summer) and October (Fall).)

When visiting our official community website,, over 50% of participants reported finding community information online to require at least some effort. Look for an improved user experience at by year-end. Interested in participating in an upcoming website usability test? Contact Vicki Grunewald, Highlands Council media editor.

Community Programming and Events

You don’t have to volunteer in our community to get involved. Based on this year’s survey results, you want more family-friendly, fun events in 2021. We have you covered. February’s Snowman Building Contest was super popular, and we had a blast playing (virtual) St Patrick’s Day Bingo in March. New this month: participate in the new community scavenger hunt, a community photography contest, and Resident Information Night, an engaging virtual event for new and longtime residents on April 13.

If you have suggestions or questions about the community, I welcome you to contact me anytime by email.

Let’s keep building community together,

Christy Garrard, Highlands Council executive director, and Dahlia Park resident

Infographic by Katie Cannon, Highlands Council graphic designer, and social media coordinator