Lyle Dickey In IHCA Tree Removal And Replacement on 18th and Katsura Raywood Ash trees will be replaced. The IHCA will begin removing and replacing street trees along Katsura and 18th Avenue…Read More
Vicki Grunewald In gardening Edible Landscapes for the Homeowner Class Cascade Gardener Class: Edible Landscapes for the Homeowner Jessi Bloom, best-selling author, owner and lead designer of N.W. Bloom EcoLogical…Read More
Vicki Grunewald In gardening Unthirsty Garden & Landscape Class Cascade Gardener Class: Unthirsty Garden and Landscape Marianne Binetti, radio host, author, columnist Learn the tips, tricks and time honored…Read More
Lyle Dickey In Connections, IHCA Fall: Leaf Cleanup and Tree/Shrub Replacement by Lyle Dickey, IHCA Landscape Manager As seen in October 2017 Connections Fall in the Issaquah Highlands is a very…Read More
Vicki Grunewald In Connections IHCA Tips: Consider What You Plant! by Lyle Dickey, IHCA Landscape Manager As seen in the September 2017 Connections There are many reasons for the Issaquah…Read More
Vicki Grunewald In Front Page, Homeowner, Uncategorized Keep Landscaping Trimmed Are your trees and landscaping over hanging into public walk ways or common areas? Homeowners are responsible for keeping their…Read More
Vicki Grunewald In Front Page, General IHCA Fall Landscaping Schedule October landscaping schedule • Depending on rainfall, mowing ceases • Hanging baskets are taken down for the winter • Irrigation…Read More