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Parents Night Out 2017

Blakely Hall

Registration is now CLOSED The HY, Highlands Youth Advisory Board, are hosting a Parent's Night Out on December 1st from...

Flashlight Egg Hunt for TEENS!

Blakely Hall

HY (Highlands Youth) presents the 5th Annual Flashlight Eggstravaganza - Egg Hunt! For middle and high school students (ID is...


Carnival Night for Teens

Blakely Hall

The HY Advisory Board is hosting an end-of-school-year celebration for all Issaquah Highlands middle and high school students! Pre-registration is...

Parents Night Out – SOLD OUT

Blakely Hall

Parent's Night Out is SOLD OUT!  There is still space in February's Parent's Night Out - register now! You KNOW...

Networking With Neighbors

Blakely Hall

Networking with Neighbors Teens Seeking Jobs. Residents Seeking Help at Home. by Emily Palm, HY Co-President and Crofton Springs Resident...

Parents Night Out

Blakely Hall

Please note: Parents Night Out has been moved to 2/15 due to the severe weather forecast for 2/8. All registered...


Flashlight Eggstravaganza

Blakely Hall and Village Green Park 2550 NE Park Drive, Issaquah, WA

The Highlands Youth Board invites all Middle School students to join them for a Flashlight Eggstravaganza featuring prizes, games, music,...