With the holiday season in full swing, it’s a good time to reflect on giving back to others.
Our Issaquah Highlands community values this principle on a regular basis with its steadfast support of local organizations such as the Issaquah Schools Foundation, Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank, KidVantage, Friends of Issaquah Salmon Hatchery, Issaquah Senior Center and other numerous local nonprofits.
Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is a committed community partner. Our Community Affairs team members are here to work with local organizations on local issues. We work to create long-term relationships for the benefit of the community and company. Employees at PSE can also have their volunteer hours and monetary donations to organizations matched by the PSE Foundation.
Puget Sound Energy Foundation
The foundation’s employee and retiree match program is designed to encourage and recognize charitable giving by employees, board members, and retirees in the communities PSE serves and operates. The foundation was formed to support local nonprofits and the important work they do in our communities every day.
Employees, retirees and board members who participate in the program can qualify for matching of charitable donations and/or volunteer work by matching their financial gifts by 50%, or volunteerism at $12.50 an hour up to $1,000 per individual each year.
The foundation makes charitable contributions to qualifying public charity organizations to keep communities safe, supported and thriving where PSE serves and has facilities. None of the grants awarded from the foundation come from PSE utility customer rates.
This year, the PSE Foundation has awarded over $1 million dollars to empower resiliency for our partners and community members.
Powerful Partnerships
PSE also teams up with nonprofit organizations under its Powerful Partnership program, providing funding to those making a difference in the community and that share our passion for energy related sustainability.
This year, Powerful Partnerships donated over $125,000 across 10 organizations to support efforts to focus on sustainability and the environment.
Since the inception of the program in 2016, PSE has partnered with 80 organizations across the 10 counties it serves, donating a total of $830,000 to date. PSE partners with these organizations to educate their clients, employees and donors on ways to save energy and money on their bills, decrease their carbon emissions as well as safety and emergency preparedness.
PSE works with organizations serving our vulnerable populations and highly impacted communities to ensure they have awareness of and access to our programs that can help them improve their lives.