Rossi Cruz serves as vice president of the Issaquah Highlands Community Association (IHCA) Board of Directors, representing District 3.
When did you move to Issaquah Highlands?
I moved to Issaquah Highlands in October 2004 from Kirkland. I work for Costco and their corporate office was in Kirkland when I first moved here in 1993.
What do you love about living in Issaquah Highlands?
Originally, I loved the proximity to work and saw Issaquah Highlands as an up-and-coming place. While living here, I loved watching the community grow to include a grocery store, movie theater, restaurants, and other shops. It’s such a unique place with different homes and different people.
Can you tell us about your interests?
You mean something other than work and being on the IHCA board? I love my family and truly enjoy them. I also enjoy traveling the United States, wine, and martinis.
How did you become involved as a volunteer in Issaquah Highlands?
I first got involved with the Crofton Springs Committee. I found the work very interesting so I went to an IHCA Board of Directors meeting and the rest is history.
Tell us about your experience serving on the IHCA board and committees.
I like seeing what it really takes to keep our community going. I don’t think people realize just how big Issaquah Highlands is. I’m lucky enough to be a part of it.
What do you hope for the future of the IHCA?
My hope for the IHCA is that we appreciate what we have and work together to make Issaquah Highlands the ideal community I know it can be.
Inspired to get involved in our community?
Find current volunteer opportunities or reach out to Lindsey Pinkston for more information.
Interested in serving on the IHCA Board of Directors?
Read the latest board elections update in Spring 2021 Connections.