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June CONNECTIONS Graduation Announcements!

By March 4, 2015April 9th, 2015Front Page, General

Cap and diplomaAre you graduating or know someone who is? All Issaquah Highlands residents graduating from high school, university or technical college are welcome to submit a listing for our third annual showcase of graduates. If you have a graduate, honor them (even surprise them!) by sending us the information listed below along with a high resolution photo.

Please email Nina the following information along with a photo of the graduate (does not have to be a school photo).

See the June 2014 Connections HERE for examples.

DEADLINE: April 30th

Graduate’s Name: (Examples: Susie Queue)

IH Neighborhood: (Examples: Crofton Springs, Forest Ridge, Magnolia, etc.)

School: (Examples: Issaquah High School, Eastside Catholic, University of Washington, etc.)

Post-Graduation Plans: (Examples: Attend Bellevue College for a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Information Technology; Take a Gap Year to Volunteer for _____, to travel in Southeast Asia ; Attend Yale Law School; Attend Renton Technical College to pursue a career in Nursing; Begin working in my parents business exporting wig-its to Europe, etc.)