Are you graduating or know someone who is? All Issaquah Highlands residents graduating from high school, university or technical college are welcome to submit a listing for our third annual showcase of graduates. If you have a graduate, honor them (even surprise them!) by sending us the information listed below along with a high resolution photo.
Please email Nina the following information along with a photo of the graduate (does not have to be a school photo).
See the June 2014 Connections HERE for examples.
DEADLINE: April 30th
Graduate’s Name: (Examples: Susie Queue)
IH Neighborhood: (Examples: Crofton Springs, Forest Ridge, Magnolia, etc.)
School: (Examples: Issaquah High School, Eastside Catholic, University of Washington, etc.)
Post-Graduation Plans: (Examples: Attend Bellevue College for a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Information Technology; Take a Gap Year to Volunteer for _____, to travel in Southeast Asia ; Attend Yale Law School; Attend Renton Technical College to pursue a career in Nursing; Begin working in my parents business exporting wig-its to Europe, etc.)