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Land Development

Land Development Updates

The Issaquah Highlands community totals 22,000 acres. Of that land, only 23.9% is dedicated to dense housing, retail, and commercial uses, and more than 76% is publicly dedicated to open space. the following are status updates on current and future residential, commercial, and city development projects in Issaquah Highlands.

Ashland Park PP 3

Ashland Park 3 PP 5

Ashland Park 3 PP 7

Ashland Park 3 PP 3 77

Ashland Park 3 PP 4

Ashland Park 3 PP 38

Ashland Park 3 PP 39

Ashland Park 3 PP 52

Ashland Park 3 PP 79

Ashland Park 3 PP 54

Ashland Park 3 PP 385

Ashland Park 3 PP 352

Ashland Park 3 PP 38

Ashland Park 365 PP 3

Ashland Park 3 PP 385

Ashland Park 3 PP 3859

Ashland Park 3 PP 3985

Ashland Park 3 PP 383

Ashland Park 3 PP 346

Ashland Park RJ 7

Ashland Park RJ 9

Ashland Park RJ 5

Ashland Park RJ 3

Ashland Park RJ 1

Ashland Park RJ

Ashland Park RJ 11

Ashland Park RJ 15

Ashland Park RJ 17

Ashland Park RJ cp

Ashland Park CP 3

Ashland Park CP 5

Ashland Park CP 7

Ashland Park CP 11

Ashland Park CP 15

Ashland Park CP 17

Ashland Park CoP

Ashland Park CoP 1

Ashland Park CoP 3

Ashland Park CoP 5

Ashland Park CoP 5

Ashland Park CoP 7

Ashland Park CoP 9

Ashland Park CoP 11

Ashland Park 3

Ashland Park 2

Ashland Park

Ashland Park 3 PP 352

Ashland Park 3 PP 3859

Ashland Park 3 PP 346

Ashland Park RJ 7

Ashland Park RJ 9

Ashland Park RJ 5

Ashland Park RJ 3

Ashland Park RJ 1

Ashland Park RJ

Ashland Park RJ 11

Ashland Park RJ 15

Ashland Park RJ 17

Ashland Park PP 3

Ashland Park 3 PP 5

Ashland Park 3 PP 7

Ashland Park 3 PP 3 77

Ashland Park 3 PP 4

Ashland Park 3 PP 38

Ashland Park 3 PP 39

Ashland Park 3 PP 52

Ashland Park 3 PP 79

Ashland Park 3 PP 54

Ashland Park 3 PP 385

Ashland Park 3 PP 385

Ashland Park 3

Ashland Park 2

Ashland Park

Ashland Park 365 PP 3

Ashland Park 3 PP 383

Ashland Park CoP

Ashland Park CoP 1

Ashland Park CoP 3

Ashland Park CoP 5

Ashland Park CoP 5

Ashland Park CoP 7

Ashland Park CoP 9

Ashland Park CoP 11

Ashland Park 3 PP 38

Ashland Park 3 PP 3985

Ashland Park RJ cp

Ashland Park CP 3

Ashland Park CP 5

Ashland Park CP 7

Ashland Park CP 11

Ashland Park CP 15

Ashland Park CP 17

Latest Development News

Energizing the Future: Prepare Your Home for the Next Power Outage

| General | No Comments
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HFN Download: Keeping the Light on (In the Winter)

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Winter can be a trying time for people living in the Pacific Northwest. The lack of daylight can wreak havoc…Learn More

Soup’s On! Celebrating National Soup Month with Recipes from Neighbors

| Connections | No Comments
National Soup Month is held annually in the United States during the month of January. It celebrates the versatility, comfort…Learn More

Get Involved with New Committees

| Connections, General, Highlands Council | No Comments
The Highlands Council Board of Trustees (BOT) has formed five advisory committees to serve the Issaquah Highlands community. We are…Learn More

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